++去mid valley吃了比sushi king还要便宜的sushi zanmai, (不过我还是喜欢sushi king叻)++
++不小心在red box看到了许治安和苏永康++
++去pj的digital mall++
在red box的counter那边等朋友,就有一个astro life的工作人员问我们要不要看许志安跟苏永康,他们来宣传即将来到的“安康演唱会”
NJ 被叫上台去玩游戏,赚到!!
像在亲嘴对不对?他们在用脸颊夹ping pong啦~
With Astrolife sticker.. which provide us lots of opportunity to win concert tickets and also Prizes!!
Pls ignore my big big arm!!
Like to put it as my display pic.. Hee^^
Nice decoration of fruits!!
Cant see me, bt nvm.. focus on the fruit!!
we can sing 麻坡的华语at red box!!
Gei Dak Sek located at PJ
Dar's 红豆沙
Andy's 花生糊
NJ's 芝麻糊
Kyle's honeydew Loh
And lAstly my Mango Loh
Some randow picture of Me and Dar
B4 outing..
Outside RedBox
Oh ya.. forget to mention.. there is a Playboy perfume promotion in Midvally..
And there is a Lambo with a Playboy sticker.. Like this..
I like the Rabbit^^
Angmo Show Girl
He show off to me as the show girl look at his Camera..
The ass of Lambo^^
p/s: i wish i could pay cash immediately for a RM1400 Hp which Andy did it yesterday
p/s/s: I luv to wear His shirt coz it seem like I belong to Him^^
p/s/s/s: I'm goin to eat Tenji tonight and dun care for being a light bulb.. Wahahaha!!!